Matthew and I got engaged after less than four months of dating and were married less than six months later. The beginning, middle and end of our engagement were all rather rough. Don't be fooled - engagement is not a pleasant time (I was fooled). My parents were very strongly convicted that we should not be getting married yet, and our few months of dating did not prepare us well enough - we didn't even know each other! - and we should be engaged for at least a year and a half before getting married.
Well Mama, you were right. I didn't even know him. Below is just a short list of the things I have learned about this stranger to whom I find myself married:
- I didn't know about the ear wiggling.
- I didn't know that he wasn't just a wonderful man, but he was marked with more grace that I could even imagine, which overwhelms me daily and points me to Christ.
- I didn't know he prefers red wine to white.
- I didn't know that he would learn my favorite song of the week and surprise me by playing it on the guitar while I unpack groceries.
- I didn't know that his snack of choice is chips and salsa and that he is more than capable of polishing off a full bag of chips in a sitting, but in all his generosity, will hand feed me chips if I'm letting my newly manicured nails dry.
- I didn't know that he'd stay up with me far past bedtime so I could finish the scary book I was reading.
- I didn't know the exact shade of his eyes, and how they change from green to brown to hazel depending on his shirt, the weather, and the position of Mercury relative to Venus.
- I didn't know that even if he's asleep, he'll answer my questions but won't recall the conversation the next morning.
- I didn't know that Cinnamon Toast Crunch was his favorite cereal.
- I didn't know that I would find post-it love notes stuck to my computer screen.
- I didn't know that I would be fully, 100% supported in whatever silly venture I decided to be interested in that month.
- I didn't know that he was neater than me, that he would make the bed when he comes home from work because I fail to do so every morning, that he likes his drawers organized, that he will gently scold me for not turning my clothes right side out before throwing them into the hamper.
- I didn't know he would plan and work and plan some more to give us the best possible future.
- I didn't know that I would find lint in his belly button far too often.
Matthew David Phillips, man of mystery, I love you.